Hello and welcome to my blog. Here is just a little bit of information about me and my background in wildlife photography.
I grew up on the shores of Morecambe Bay in Lancashire, were from a very early age I developed a strong interest in the natural world. As a teenager I would sneak away from football games with friends Binoculars in hand I would spend hours simply watching the amazing spectacle of Morecambe Bays abundant birdlife.
My interest in photography seemed to grow with my ever increasing desire to observe and understand the wildlife I was observing.
As soon as I could I became involved in wildlife conservation with the RSPB, and my interest in photography developed into a career which would take me around the world and enable me to see many of those birds and animals I read about as a child.
I have maintained one philosophy over the years which is simply. "The welfare of any animal is more important than any picture I could possibly take".
I now supply wildlife images to clients around the world and my work is represented by a number of agents both in the UK and overseas. My main interest is the wildlife and natural history of the UK and birdlife in particular. However I spend considerable time on projects in other countries.
As a very early abopter of digital photography I have continued to refine and develop the process and I also offer photographic training to photographers of all levels.
I hope that through this blog I can share with you my life as a professional photographer and pass on as much advice and information as possible. I know many people are looking for advice on choosing the right equipment, and I will do my best to offer advice based on my experience. To support this I will, were possible include reviews any news about interesting equipment and pass on my findings.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, be they photography or wildlife related. I will do my very best to help and hope encourage you to share my passion for the natural world and photography.