The snow and ice over the last few days has kept me much busier than I thought it would be for this time of year. I have been out shooting images most days and the post production backlog is is building.
I have covered a good few miles, capturing images for both stock and "Art Print" sales and thanks to the Land Rover the driving has been a pleasure!!!
Here is one of the first images, finished at about 2am today. I decided to revisit a few areas over the past few days, to record just how quickly the landscape changes in these conditions.
So this image was taken a few yards from the previous frost covered trees. For the photographers the image was taken on a Nikon D3s Body with the amazing 14-24mm Lens and Lee ND 0.3 Grad Filter. Post Production was using Nikon Capture NX2 and the fantastic Nick 64Bit Silver Efex Pro Software.
I promise many more images over the next few weeks, once I start to make headway with the post production work. Also I am planning some interesting changes to the blog, with many more technical reviews and technical articles. Im in the final stages of sorting out details with a major equipment supplier and I hope to be able to bring some really interesting articles about some items of equipment used in Landscape and wildlife photography.
In the last few days I have had work accepted into three more art galleries and the "Art Print" sales are becoming a really important aspect of the business.
Anyway Xmas shopping calls and with luck back out shooting again on Thursday.